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The City of Great Falls Planning and Community Development Department reports 2,827 housing units in various stages of development in Great Falls. The projects are single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments, including market-rate and affordable housing units.
The City Commission recognizes the need for market-rate and affordable housing in Great Falls. The Commission has prioritized housing developments through expediting supportive commission actions. They worked with City staff to streamline the development process while providing time for public participation. City planning staff also provides guidance and support to help developers navigate this process from concept to construction.
In the last six months, the City Commission has shown its commitment to adding to the City's new housing supply by approving the following housing projects.
- Approval to issue up to $1.2 million in funds from the City's Revolving Loan Fund Program to facilitate the renovation of the former Cambridge Court Assisted Living Facility located at 1109 6th Ave N into 71 affordable rental units.
- Approval of a change in zoning and subdivision to allow the addition of 70 new residential units in The West Ridge Addition located on the north side of Great Falls at 42nd Avenue North. This change in zoning will allow the construction of a mix of single-family homes and two-unit townhomes for new homeowners and fourplex buildings for renters.
- Approval of zoning and annexation of 16 acres at the intersection of 2nd Avenue North and 38th Street North to allow future construction of 432 apartment units by local developer Trace Timmer.
The latest project being proposed is an under-developed section of land on the northeastern side of Great Falls named Discovery Meadows. A public hearing for this 252-unit project will take place at the March 21, 2023, City Commission meeting. Neighborhood Council #4 and the Planning Advisory Board/Zoning Commission recommended this project for approval.
While providing the much-needed housing units, these projects are also providing neighborhoods with improvements to underdeveloped properties, sidewalks, crosswalks, and roadways, at no cost to residents or the City. Additionally, property annexations increase the City's taxable value and extend water and sewer mains which may lead to future development possibilities.