City of Great Falls Supporting Local Information Campaign

“Can we make our own rules please,” Kelly said, and especially not enact more unfunded mandates.

City of Great Falls Supporting Local Information Campaign
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Mayor Bob Kelly told fellow commissioners during their Jan. 3 that he wanted the city to support an educational campaign on the importance of local government.
Kelly said that the Montana League of Cities and Towns is creating an informational campaign about the importance of local control going into the new legislative session.
He said the league is asking the city to contribute $5,000 to the project.
City Manager Greg Doyon said that funding would come out of the commission budget.
Kelly said the league is trying to encourage the public to weigh in on legislation and say that local control is better in many instances.
“Can we make our own rules please,” Kelly said, and especially not enact more unfunded mandates.
See complete story at The Electric

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