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Read the article at NBC Montana by NBC Montana Staff
“The League of Women Voters of Missoula will present a Program, “Understanding Your Local Government” on Tuesday November 14, 5:00 -6:30 pm, Missoula Public Library, Cooper Room A. This program is free and open to the public.
In the upcoming June 2024 Primary election all voters in Missoula and in Missoula County will have the opportunity to vote on whether the City of Missoula or Missoula County should review its current form of government. This question, mandated by our Montana Constitution, appears on ballots every 10 years. Before deciding on any options to consider, or changes to local government, we invite citizens to learn more about their current government.
Josh Slotnick, Missoula County Commissioner, will discuss the County Government, and Geoff Badenoch, LWV Missoula Board Member, will present an overview for the City of Missoula. Topics will include the structure and powers of local governments, as well as some history. Participants can expect to have some fun as well. There will be a pop quiz and prizes for correct answers to questions encompassing the power of the Mayor and County Commissioners, how the city budget is approved, facts about neighborhood councils, and county advisory boards, role of citizens, geography and political boundaries - and more. Resources about the local government review and the Missoula City Charter will be provided.
We invite anyone to attend this free event. Since the last time Missoula voters were formally asked about their form of government, many young residents have reached the voting age of 18, and many new people have moved here. Come to learn about your city and county! For questions or more information, please contact with Local Government in the subject line.”