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Read the article at the Independent Record by Nolan Lister
“The approval sends $1.58 million to Rocky Mountain Development Council for the Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church housing project, $250,000 to Helena Food Share for costs related to the construction of its Community Food Resource Center, and $143,000 to the Tri-County Fire Safe Working Group to fund its wildfire risk assessment and education program.
The resolution also rescinded $153,000 previously allocated to replace a Helena Fire Department Type VI wildland fire truck. The original request of $200,000 became unnecessary following a more generous than expected insurance reimbursement.
The $47,000 remaining will pay for the insurance deductible and the retrofitting of current HFD equipment on the new vehicle.
The commissioners reached a consensus during their March 8 administrative meeting on funding proposals from the three local nonprofits and fire department and directed then interim City Manager Tim Burton to draft a resolution to that effect.”