Missoula Current - City of Missoula to Pursue Transportation Grants

Arron Wilson, the city's transportation manager, said investing in the city's transportation network – starting in the city's core – can effectively connect the rest of Missoula and bring down the cost of housing.

Missoula Current - City of Missoula to Pursue Transportation Grants
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Read the entire article at the Missoula Current, by Martin Kidston
From the article:
“While the city has a long list of transportation needs, planners and most members of City Council see the downtown area as the center to which all other projects will lead. Those other projects are in various stages of planning, and some are further along than others.
Among them, plans to convert Highway 200 into a multi-modal street from downtown to Milltown has already been submitted for a design grant. If awarded, it would bring the project closer to being shovel ready.
Plans to finish widening Russell Street are also in place. Wilson described the corridor as a primary north-south route that will cost around $45 million to finish, with one end meeting what's expected to be a gateway to downtown district.
Brooks Street also is high on the list and is expected to compete for a design and engineering grant this spring. If awarded, it would also get the project shovel ready. Doing so will enable the city to apply for a construction grant once the window opens. That project will include a center-running bus lane that will connect Midtown to downtown”

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